Be Part Of The Process Improvement Process!
Do you have excellent observation and writing skills? Are you a reliable professional who enjoys helping businesses improve their customer service? Then you may be just who we’re looking for! The Sentry Marketing Group is looking for reliable people to add to our team of field evaluators.
As a field evaluator, you will play a crucial role in the success of our business. After all, service quality represents a huge area of customer satisfaction, and we cannot supply our clients with high-quality, reliable, and accurate data without our outstanding field evaluators.
Performing mystery shops is a great way to earn a little extra income while helping companies measure and improve the level of service they deliver to their customers.
We invite evaluators of all backgrounds and experiences to apply.
Steps To Becoming A Sentry Mystery Contractor
- Click the button below
- Complete the enrollment form
- Check your email for your user id and password
- Log in to the website to look for available assignments.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have questions about mystery shopping? Click the button below to access our FAQ?
Frequently Asked Questions
How much will I be paid?
The pay for each mystery shop is different depending on the type of shop. The pay can range from reimbursement only to reimbursement plus an added fee. Higher paying assignments could require audio recording or video recording equipment.
What is mystery shopping?
Mystery shopping is a quality control process that assigns independent contractors to projects where they will assume the role of a normal customer. Shoppers are provided with preassignment material that will familiarize them with the client, scope of the project and clearly details the requirements and expectations for the report.
How will I be paid?
We pay our shoppers via direct deposit. Once you complete your direct deposit profile, your payments are automatically deposited into your bank account 30 - 60 days after your shop is submitted.
When will I be paid?
Payments are processed on the last day of the month following the date of your invoice. For example, an invoice dated May 16th would be processed on June 30th.
What is expected of a mystery shopper?
Success Sentry mystery shoppers are detailed-oriented people who have excellent observation skills. The majority of our projects require some degree of a written description of what is observed and experienced during the mystery shop, so strong writing skills are a plus.
Mystery shoppers must be organized and have strong communication skills. Computer skills are very helpful, in particular, familiarity with mobile devices and apps.
Above all else, great mystery shoppers are reliable! This is the number one characteristic of successful mystery shoppers. Many projects are on tight deadlines so it is imperative that a shopper completes their assignment on the scheduled day and time and submits the report promptly.
How do I register to be a shopper?
Click on the Click To Sign Up Button in the second section of this page and complete the profile. You will receive an email to finish updating your profile.
What type of shops do you offer?
We work across a variety of industries and are adding new projects every month. Here are some of the industries that we work in:
- Restaurant
- Fine Dining
- Upscale Casual
- Casual Dining
- Fast Casual
- Retail
- We offer shops in a variety of retail industries
- Automotive
- Sales and Service
- Hotels
- Bar Integrity
- Restaurant
- Overnight
- Health & Wellness
- Self Storage
- Entertainment Venues
Where do you offer assignments?
We operate primarily in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Our projects range in frequency from multiple assignments per month at a given location to quarterly, so the number of assignments offered in a specific geographic area can change from month-month.
How do I request a shop?
Once you are approved to shop with Sentry you can view the open opportunities on the job board under open opportunities. Please make sure you have your notifications turned on in your profile, so our schedulers can contact you by email, phone or text for our open opportunities in your area. This is the only way you will be notified of special shops or bonus offers.
What support do you have for your shoppers?
Our shoppers are a crucial piece of our success and supporting them is very important to the Sentry team.
Assignment Support
Support is available via phone and email. All email inquiries are routed to a ticketing system so that we can review and resolve the inquiry as quickly as possible. We also have a chatbot available to answer routine assignment questions. Our team is also available via text message during normal business hours.Payment Support
Shoppers can submit questions about their payment via a link from the ShopMetrics mystery shopping website. We've made this easy by adding an Invoice History button to the menu and adding a payment inquiry link for each shopper invoice. The payment inquiry link means a shopper can submit a question about payment for a specific invoice by simply clicking a button. These inquiries are routed through our ticketing system with a high priority for review and resolution.Can I see your Independant Contractor Agreement before I signup?
Sure. Our ICA is publically available at:
Additional Questions
If you have questions about mystery shopping, please email us at
I received a large check from Sentry before completing any assignments. Is this a real check?
No. This is not a real check and you should not cash it. Sentry pays the majority of shoppers by direct deposit. We NEVER send a check in advance of completing an assignment. If you received a check bearing our logo and asked to deposit it and then buy gift cards or wire part of the proceeds, it is highly likely that this is a SCAM and we strongly advised that you do not cash this check. You can always email our help desk with any questions or concerns regarding payment or the validity of a check sent to you.